Wondering how you should announce your pregnancy? Look no further. I’m bringing you the most adorable pregnancy announcement: Another Nursery Coming Soon! If this is your first pregnancy, this will still work, just remove “another.” I give complete credit to this creative mama who hired me to document their special news they couldn’t wait to share!
Alexis and her family welcomed me into their beautiful home in Minnesota. We spent half the time shooting in the soon-to-be nursery and the other half with them cozying up on their bed! The soon-to-be nursery was prepped beforehand by Alexis as she painted “Another Nursery Coming Soon” on the wall along with a little spot for her daughter that said, “Big Sis.” The paint brushes were dry (with the paint kept on them), a tarp was laid on the floor, and Alexis, Sam, and Lucy’s outfits fit perfectly with the painting theme.
We started out the session with photos of Lucy by her “Big Sis” sign. It was the cutest thing ever and I honestly can’t wait to see her become a big sister. We took photos of the pregnancy announcement: “Another Nursery Coming Soon” with the three of them and, of course, with just Lex and her growing babe! Lucy pretending to paint the letters and pointing at mommy’s belly, and snuggling up together in the bedroom made for the most perfect little session.
All of these photos were shot in just 30 minutes. If you are looking for a shorter session rather than a normal-length one (this is great especially if you have little kids), then let’s get in touch and set something up! You can complete my inquiry form found here!
XO, Heather